Have it your way: InvestmentWriting.com content

Your reading preferences may differ from those of my other readers. This is why I provide my content in different ways. You’ll find an overview below by delivery method.

1. E-newsletter offers three options including Weekly Tip

My monthly e-newsletter provides links to my most recent blog posts. It also includes an exclusive report on the results of my monthly poll. Sign up for the “General” list to receive it. When you subscribe, you’ll receive a free copy of Investment Writing Top Tips, an annual compilation of my best tips for marketing, writing, and more.

Each Weekly Tip contains one article to help with your writing or marketing. It’s a quick read.

The Events newsletter will alert you to my upcoming classes, including “How to Write Blog Posts People Will Read,” and speaking engagements.

2. Delivery of individual blog posts via email or RSS feed

You can sign up to receive individual blog posts by email. You’ll find the sign-up box in my blog’s right-hand column below the list of recent posts and above the current poll.

This is what the "subscribe by email" to individual posts looks like


You can also receive my individual posts via an RSS feed. If you know what an RSS feed is, you probably don’t need my help in how to subscribe.

3. Follow me on Twitter for blogs, finance, writing, and more

All of my blog posts appear in my Twitter stream, but they’re mixed in with tweets on investments, financial planning, marketing, writing, and non-business topics.

4. Investment Writing on Facebook

The Investment Writing Facebook page also features my blog posts. This page has a narrower focus and less activity than my Twitter account. Some days I post no links. Other days I post one or two links. My links focus on writing, blogging, and marketing.

Check out my Facebook page if you’d like links to practical content that will help you communicate better.

5. Google+

I hesitate to mention my Google+ account because I rarely use it. But that could change.